Friday, January 29, 2010

Another artist joins the team.

Another talented musician is lending a hand to the production of DER STEINFROSCH. Chris Black (aka Grandpa Black) has just released a new album. He's also agreed to allow the use some of his material for the soundtrack as well as contribute film-specific material. His new cd, 'ILLINOIS, KENTUCKY and TENNESSEE' is in my player now and deserves your listen. If you live in the Paducah area you can grab a copy at Kirchhoff's Bakery and Deli, Etcetera Coffee House or Music Zone in Lone Oak. Find out more or order a cd here..

Music for this film has been a critical point for me. I wanted unique. Something 'with a local flavor' sounds cliched but with the contributions of the artists who have agreed to be a part of this project the music echoes with the heart of this part of the country and doesn't come off like the music on a used car commercial. Music and sounds are probably more important than picture for an effective film. People can put up with lame, out-of-focus images or poorly exposed camerawork. Music and sound can, when used with taste, propel a film into the realm of unforgettable. With the help of the talented musicians I've assembled this project takes another step closer.

Stay tuned. Der Steinfrosch is bringings the jams.

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