Friday, February 26, 2010

The 2010 DER STEINFROSCH trailer

Before I had gotten heavily into shooting DER STEINFROSCH I had a good idea some key concepts for the background story of the film. Movie trailers have always been one of my favorite parts of the cinema experience. You want to give the audience a taste but no more than that. I've seen trailers that afterwards you already know what happens throughout the film. With DER STEINFROSCH the aim has been to essentially tell the backstory of the film's antagonist while leaving the story of the film a mystery. The second and final online trailer I'm putting out before the film is released features the creature more and suggests the trouble the evil amphibian is wanting to cause. See for yourself here...

I can't wait to get this thing out because seriously, when was the last time you saw a giant frog running wild, attacking pets and people? Short answer-never. Stay tuned...DER STEINFROSCH is near!

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