Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Celtx...powerful and free scriptwriting tool.

In every aspect of the production of DER STEINFROSCH I've done some pretty intense homework. Proper script formatting and structure were no exception. When you present your story to others there's just "the right way and the wrong way". Celtx is the right way and not only offers access to scripting tools that are powerful but free. You can download Celtx free from the website. The software gives scriptwriting apps as well as those for notes, storyboarding, credits and more. For a few bucks you can purchase additional images for putting a more polished look on your storyboards. You can even buy arrows for actor or camera movement cues. I'm pretty hands-on so when it comes to storyboarding I draw my own. However, when it came time to transfer DER STEINFROSCH from pen to PC to print, Celtx was the software I used. It's awesome and if you're interested in putting a script together it's a great way to get in the game.

Find out more at the Celtx site here...

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