Sunday, February 7, 2010

Of frogs and men...

I mentioned earlier the challenge of casting non-actors in a film. It can be a challenge but if you navigate the situation carefully I think you can come up with some good stuff. The key is to know your people ahead of time and simply write FOR THEM. I got two friends to play the human characters and simply dropped them into some bizarre circumstances. Not that I'm Steven Soderbergh but he's done that to good effect in some films. You'll actually see it quite a bit in certain films. DER STEINFROSCH takes place in a southern town and if there's one thing I think is lame is actors using fake southern accents. My 'actors' sound like the real thing because they ARE the real thing. Thanks to Jeff and Zannie.

As far as having a three foot rubber frog as a character in my film? He turned out so much better than I had hoped I'm actually taking longer to get the film done than I had originally planned. I want to show more of him and what he can do. People that have seen the full length creature seem to be impressed or frightened and either is great, right? I've just finished editing a behind the scenes minidoc on the making of the creature that will go on the DVD. I've been careful to compile as much supplemental material as I can for the DVD..because bonus features are like bacon-good.

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